Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop License Crack

Posted By admin On 27.08.19

Hi, I have a server running Foundation 2012 R2 and i'm setting up Remote Desktop Services. According to the licensing datasheets and various other things i've read it implies that I do not need to install CAL's for the user's and that I can have up to 15. My Question is, is there something that I do have to install? Is it a case of activating the licensing server and that's it or are there more steps to do to make sure that when the grace period is over I won't lose the ability to use RDS. Sorry if this is in the wrong category etc.


Configure A Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Licensing Server (1). Windows Server 2008 R2: Remote Desktop Licensing Server Configuration.

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Thanks a lot. Hi Joe, Microsoft licensing policies for Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (including the components that are included in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2) require a Windows Server 2012 RDS CAL for each user or device that (i) directly or indirectly accesses any of the RDS functionality, and/or (ii) directly or indirectly accesses the Server software to interact with a graphical user interface (GUI) using RDS functionality or any other third-party Technology. Without to install RDS CALs on the server you receive a error message that you must have an RDS licenses for using the terminal services on your foundation Server thanks diramoh.

Hi Joe, Microsoft licensing policies for Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (including the components that are included in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2) require a Windows Server 2012 RDS CAL for each user or device that (i) directly or indirectly accesses any of the RDS functionality, and/or (ii) directly or indirectly accesses the Server software to interact with a graphical user interface (GUI) using RDS functionality or any other third-party Technology. Without to install RDS CALs on the server you receive a error message that you must have an RDS licenses for using the terminal services on your foundation Server thanks diramoh.

Server 2012 r2 remote desktop licensingServer

There are four steps required to Installing the Remote Desktop Licensing Role: Installing the Remote Desktop Licensing Role:. On your license server go to Manage - Add Roles and Features. Click Next. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.

Select the license server from the server pool. Click Next. Scroll down and select Remote Desktop Services. Click Next. Click Next without selecting a Feature.

Click Next. Select the Remote Desktop Licensing role. Click Add Features on the pop-up.

Click Next. Select the Restart the destination server automatically if required then click Install. Once finished click Close. Activate Licensing Server:. Launch the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager. Go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Remote Desktop Services- Remote Desktop Licensing Manager.

Right-click your server name then click Activate Server. Click Next. Leave it on Automatic connection and click Next. Enter your information and click Next. Check the box to Start Install Licenses Wizard now then click Next Install Licenses:. Right-click your server name in the RD Licensing Manager then click Install Licenses.

Pick the type of license you want to install. (Retail Purchase). Enter your license then click Add.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop

Click Finish Add license server to Activate Directory:. Go to All Server and click Review. Click the Add to Group (This step will allow your license server to be a member of the terminal server license servers group). Click OK.

Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Configuration

Configuration should now show green and check that your server is a member of Terminal Server License Servers.