Earthing Design Software Free Download
Posted By admin On 31.08.19The Ground Grid module enables engineers to quickly design and analyze ground protection using advanced 3-D technology that is integrated with the one-line diagrams. Earthing Calculator Products & Services Lightning Protection International Australia LPI. Downloads; Contact. The design of an earth system.
Hi, I am sharing some useful Excel base Program of Electrical Engineering. Cable Designing Program. Calculate Voltage drop of Cable. Calculate Size of Cable.
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Calculate Sensitivity of MCCB/RCCB/ELCB. Calculate Size of Cable. Calculate Size and Type of Sub Circuit MCCB/MCB for Continious and Non Continious Load. Calculate Total Load. Calculate Main and Branch Circuit Current.
Selection of Fuses. Calculate Size of Fuse for Electrical Circuit.
Size of Capacitor For Power Factor Improvements. Calculate Size of Capacitor for Power Factor Improvements. Calculate Annual Saving by selection of Capacitor. Calculate Active and Reactive Power. Short Circuit Current Calculation at Various Point of Electrical Curcuits(Isc).

Calculate Short Circuit Current at Substation. Calculate Short Circuit Current at Distribution point. Calculate Short Circuit Current at Transformer. Calculate Short Circuit Current at Main Panel.

Calculate Short Circuit Current at Sub Distribution Board. Circuit Breaker Tripping Settings. Calculate Tripping Setting of Circuit Breaker. Motor Specifications. Calculate Various Specification of Motor.
Calculate Home Electrical Load & Electrical Bill. Calculate Electrical Bill of Home.
Calculate Size of MCCB/MCB for Domestic Load. Calculate Electrical Load of Home. Calculate Insulation Resistance Value and PI value. Calculate minimum Insulation Resistance Value for Various Electrical Equipments. Calculate IR Value of Electrical Equipments. Graph of IR Value. Calculate Polarization Index Value with Graph.
Calculate Earth Resistivity. Calculate Electrical Load and Energy Consumption of Panel. Calculate Continuous and non Continuous Electrical Load of Panel. Calculate total Energy Consumption(KWH) in Daily/Monthly of Panel. Calculate Size of MCB of each branch circuit of Panel. Calculate Voltage / Voltage Difference of Each Phase. Calculate Unbalanced Load in Neutral Wire.
Calculate Expected Temperature rise in Each Phase. Calculate Load in Each Phase. Calculate Starting/Full Load/Continuous/Non Continuous Load. Calculate Size/Type/Tripping setting of Main MCCB. Calculate Size of Battery Bank and Inverter.
Calculate Total Demand Load. Calculate Size of Battery Bank in Amp.Hr. Select Type of Connection of Batteries in Battery Bank. Select Rating of Each Battery in Battery Bank. Calculate Size of Inverter. Calculate Size/Type/Tripping setting of Main MCCB. Calculate Size of Solar Panel / Battery Bank / Inverter.
Calculate Total Demand Load. Calculate Size of Solar Panel. Select Type of Connection of Solar Panel. Select Rating of Each Solar Panel. Calculate Energy from Solar Panel as per Daily Sun lights. Calculate Size Battery Bank.
Select Type of connection of Batteries in Battery Bank. Calculate size of Inverter Calculate No of Lighting Fittings and Lumen Output. Calculate Total Lumen Output for particular Area.
Calculate Total No of Lighting Lamps. Calculate Total No of Lighting Fixtures.
Calculate No of Fittings along with the Length and Width of Room. Calculate Bus Bar Size and Voltage Drop. Calculate Voltage Drop for Bus Bar. Select Size of Bus Bar for particular Load. Enter Your Sub Panel Details like Load,Line Length.
Design of Earthing Mat for Sub-Station:. Program is design as per ANSI/IEEE 80-1986 Code. Calculate Step Potential of Switch yard. Calculate Touch Potential of Switch yard. Calculate Total Length of Earthing Mat Conductor.
Calculate Size of Earthing Mat Conductor. Calculate Total No of Earthing Rods. Calculate Touch Voltage and Ground Current. Calculate Resistance of Each Phase. Calculate Resistance of neutral/Ground. Calculate Neutral Current and Load.
Calculate Touch Voltage for Metal part to Earth. Calculate Body Resistance and Body Current. Download Links: link Point to another website Only the registered members can access OR link Point to another website Only the registered members can access See More.
Revolutionary CDEGS Software Shifting the Energy Industry Revolutionary CDEGS Software Shifting the Energy Industry, August 14, 2014 Comments Off on Revolutionary CDEGS Software Shifting the Energy Industry 2010 saw changes to the code of practice for earthing above 1kV for developing energy facilities. This became enforceable in 2012 across the EU, where the standard explicitly recognises the role that revolutionary CDEGSsoftware now plays in compliant electrical earthing design. The changes identify that the best practice is to model energy using specialised CDEGS computer software. With a rise from 11 to 17 in 2012/13 in the number of fatalities in the UK electricity and services sector, regulators deemed that changes were crucial. Although these figures do not clarify how many are due to insufficient earthing, it is accepted in the industry that this has caused deaths in the past. 3D CDEGS Innovation A solution to comply with these changes and ensure a safer site is CDEGS- Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis.
This software creates a 3D model of the area and mathematically simulates the fault energy return current under the ground AND the magnetic/electric fields created particularly useful when studying over ground systems. Modelling above ground systems using CDEGS Software is an under-utilised benefit of the software, such as for GIS substations, lightning attachment studies and interference. This innovative use of the software could open a door into a whole new field of problem solving for asset owner/managers and scheme project leaders alike. If you’ve never seen the software in action - CDEGS builds a 3D virtual version of the system under study and the qualified researcher can test various scenarios (faults or attachments) and creates an easy to understand, visual map of the various outcomes.
These maps can be used to assess how the system performs as well as how a human might be affected when interacting with the system (safety assessments). As a result, managers are empowered with knowledge and awareness of the risks on their site. This invaluable understanding could save companies vast amounts of money and potentially save lives. This visual map shows the voltage dispersion if a fault were to occur. As distance increases, voltage decreases as illustrated by the colour scheme. Or perhaps our Understanding Rise of Earth PotentialVideo above will explain a little better. Skidrow games for pc.
Specialist Skills Using the CDEGS software is a complex task, one that requires a high level of competence and qualification. Grey Matters is amongst the elite as only one of four companies in Europe to be fully licensed and qualified in the use of this revolutionary CDEGS Software. Examples of projects that CDEGS has been used on are, inter-connectors, wind turbines, lightning attachments to rail infrastructure, solar parks, off-shore ships as well as the usual suspects, e.g. Substations and power stations. Knowing and understanding the dangers of energy is vital; CDEGS Software is essential to ensure that people in proximity to equipment and the facility itself, are safe.
Lack of awareness of these recent codes of practice changes means companies can be carrying significant business risk. Don’t take the risk with your business. Grey Matters will ensure that you remain fully compliant and have a better knowledge of the risks associated with your facility. Next Steps To test the current risk of your facility, complete this short, free risk audit. This link will ask you 12 quick questions and provide you with a score determining the risk from your answers.
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If you would like to talk to Grey Matters about the risks of your facility or our CDEGS Energy Modelling Software then today. Or why not schedule a FREE 30 min call to discuss a potential project or if you have any queries, by using our 'need advice' widget below. Written by: Ian Griffiths, Grey Matters Sources.